Once Upon a Time – Letter #7

Thursday Stories - Once Upon a Time

Dear Friend,

Just reminding you that you are enough. Just as you are. You don't need to give any more, to do any more, to be any more. Just as you are, you are enough. I hope these words fill you from the inside out. I hope they overspill and pour out of the bottoms of your soul, I hope they sink into your blood and become the life that flows through skin.You are enough.Just.As.You.Are.

This letter is just for you… Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Once Upon a time, I would have never broken a promise...

I pride myself on keeping my promises yet daily I have been breaking the promises that I've made to myself.I promise I’ll have a lunch break.I promise I’ll call them back.I promise I’ll go for a walk or do some exercise.I promise I’ll eat better today.You know the sort of promises I mean?If I broke that many promises to one of my friends, I pretty sure they wouldn’t hang around that long. So why is ok to break the promises we make to ourselves?Well, the truth is it's not.I wouldn't dream of treating anyone else the way I treat myself.Last we talked about letting go and what I'm realising is the best way to keep the promises you make to yourself is to let go of the things that don't matter and prioritise what you need.But to this, we have to know what we need and we have to understand that we are worthy, we are enough and we matter and we deserve to go first. Next week, let's talk about what sets your soul on fire and let's go after that. Let's prioritise that. Let's keep those promises.Love,Laura

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