Memoirs and Musings Interview

Stories from a backpack with Char...

Charlotte feels like my super cool friend.  She goes on the most incredible trips and I love that she fits them all into annual leave!  She knows what's hot and what's not and she is about to launch a new podcast which is going to be super exciting!!  Thanks for sharing your answers with us.

As always, I start with the question no traveller ever wants to answer (because it’s so hard to choose)… Please share with us your favourite/ best/scariest or funniest travel story…

My favourite travel story has to be my drunken karaoke adventures in LA... 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever had (travel related or otherwise)?

The best piece of travel advice I’ve ever had is, use Groupon. Gotta save your coins for more trips! 

If you could only go back to one place in the world, where would you go and why?

If I could go back to one place it’d be Puerto Vallarta on the west coast of Mexico. I have never felt so at peace, so welcomed and so happy on a trip. The people really loved their country and were so proud of where they came from, whereas I’m always wanting to escape London. If I’m honest, Mexico had never really been at the top of my bucket list BUT I’m so glad I put my desire to go to a particular place aside, and took a chance on somewhere else. 

What has travel taught you?

Travel has taught me to be humble, be free and be happy all at the same time.

  • Humbling - Its something we can’t all afford to do, it’s a privilege in a Western society.
  • Freeing - Being away from my everyday lifestyle and injecting myself into another culture for a few days is freedom.
  • Happiness - What better way to get to know yourself and the world than through travel? 

What is that one moment from a trip you will never ever forget?

Aged 17 with my best friend, Emma, staring out of the window of our high rise hotel looking down at the busy intersection, just watching the world go by. I always remember this as the moment I fell in love with travelling. There was something in this moment that ignited a yearning desire to get out there and see the world.

And finally… What’s your favourite line from the Stories from a Backpack manifesto and why?

"The world is waiting for you to tell your story"

Whether it be through blogging your trip, the photos you take, the blogs you film or through spoken word, we all want to hear about what happened on your travels.Thank you so much, Char!  Laura xx

If you enjoyed this post you can read other stories from lovely guest here!


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